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Writer's pictureSrs of the Precious Blood

A Precious Blood Christmas, Holy Family

by Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: Matt 2:13-15, 19-23

December 29, 2019

“When the magi had departed … ” We enter this gospel in the middle of a story! The magi have brought their gifts and adored the newborn Baby. Now what? We are abruptly taken from the glory of the Nativity narration to something ominous. Joseph learns through a dream that his little family is in danger. He is told what to do: flee to Egypt where Herod cannot harm his foster Son. Egypt: that country of slavery for the Hebrew people. That country from whence they came so long ago to a land flowing with milk and honey. Now the Holy Family goes to Egypt not to be slaves but to be safe. When time and danger had passed, Joseph had another dream (what a dreamer he was!) and learned he was to return to Israel. What a beautiful symbol: returning home signifies a new beginning, a new Israel. This was the ministry of Jesus: to save God’s people from the slavery of not knowing how much God loves us, from not knowing how to live as God’s beloved family, from not knowing that we are offered the gift of new, shared Life.

Precious Blood Spirituality can also be something ominous. It calls us to the Cross. It calls us to give over our lives for the good of others as Jesus did. It calls us to spill ourselves and take up our own cross to continue the saving ministry of Jesus. But for us Sisters of the Precious Blood, our Spirituality does not stop at the Cross. It takes us beyond death to risen Life. It takes us from the Cross to Eucharist. It takes us to new Life. It takes us to the family of the Body of Christ. When have I experience that embracing the Cross has brought me new Life?

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Unknown member
Dec 29, 2019

What I I see in the Holy Family is Trinitarian Love -- Father, Mother, Child. If all infants and children could know this love ........ As that is for what we have been created ..... by, for, with, and through holy love.

Can we, ourselves, help this hurting -- and hurtful world know this love?

I think we each must first of all, come to know that this Loving Mother-God, this Loving Father-God, and this Holy Christ-Child live inside of us --- each and every one of us! When we come to KNOW that, we can intentionally, through deep prayer and practice (the Prayer-and-Practice of KNOWING) become 'That ......' the embodiment of Trinitarian Love ....

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