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A Precious Blood Christmas, Nativity

by Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS

The Nativity of the Lord: John 1:1-18 (Mass during the Day)

December 25, 2019

Usually on Christmas we hear the gospel from Luke (2:10-11, Mass at Midnight); it is a beautiful, warm-feeling gospel about the birth of Jesus in a lowly stable with scruffy shepherds coming to worship. This is the text giving rise to Christmas crèches and hymns. But another text is revealing. The Prologue to John’s Gospel, assigned for the Mass during

the Day (the Luke text may also be proclaimed during the day Masses on Christmas), is deeply theological and spiritual. It tells us that this Baby whose birth we celebrate is God from the beginning of time. He is the Word who brings life and light into a dark, dreary world. But most importantly, this gospel proclaims who we are: “children of God,” those who receive the fullness of grace, those privileged to have God’s Presence revealed to us. This gospel announces the birth of the Son of God, but it also announces our own to being born in Jesus Christ.

Precious Blood Spirituality does not allow us to stop at the heart-warming reality of the Son of God born as a human baby. No, our Spirituality takes us immediately to the meaning of the Incarnation: the Son of God became human so that we might share in his divinity (see the Collect for this Mass). He shared totally in our humanity, even suffering and death. He taught us that, by uniting with his death and Resurrection, we might share in his light, in his glory, in his divine Life. This is his gift to us. Our gift to him? To surrender ourselves to embrace his saving Mystery is at the heart of Precious Blood Spirituality. How do I recognize in myself and others the call to live the dignity of sharing in divine Life?

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Dec 26, 2019

This is a very powerful reflection: to know we -- each and all -- are included in Incarnation, just as we are included in Resurrection! Indeed, we ARE The Body of Christ! Thank you, Sr. Joyce Ann.

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