Holy Family - Today's Readings
This year the Feast of the Holy Family feels a little daunting. My husband and I have three children this feast day. (We're foster parents so the number changes somewhat often.) My family does not always feel holy, especially in terms of "normal" Catholic families. None of are kids are baptized and they don't always know how to behave appropriately in Mass. For instance, in helping to decorate the Church for Christmas, my oldest called the tabernacle "God's bread box" in front of quite a few people. Our two year old who has only been to Mass since joining our family a few months ago, still screams and says "all done" most of the way through Mass.
This year, I am imagining Jesus throwing a temper tantrum as a toddler. I want to know what his dedication ceremony in today's Gospel looked like. Was he fussy? How did Mary handle the stress? Did they try to put on nice clothes before going? Were they on time? I know they were the holy family, but did Joseph and Mary ever lose their temper and yell? Even just once?
The Holy Family is a beautiful model, but this year, it's an overwhelming image to strive for. So this year, I will focus on dedicating our family to God. I will dedicate our chaos, our botched prayers, and our attempts to participate in Mass without disturbing others. I will dedicate the times when our kids behave inappropriately, when they won't sit next to us and when they refuse to pray. I also give God the moments when the finally memorize the "Our Faith" or when they ask if we can go to Church.
Our family is unique but God makes all things new. I will dedicate my family and each of our kids to God, and pray that he can bring healing to their lives. After all, those kids are already holy, tantrums and all. I am just dedicating to God what he has already blessed me with.