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  • Writer's pictureSrs of the Precious Blood

On the Road to Sainthood

by Jenna Legg

Just before Christmas, Sr. Mumbi emailed me to ask for help in creating an eBook about the Catholic men & women of African descent on the road to sainthood. It was a slow time for me in my regular work and I enjoy being creative, so I was delighted to take on the project.

Over the next week or so, it became less of a project and more of a prayer and act of justice. Although I had heard briefly of Sr. Thea Bowman and Venerable Pierre Toussaint, I did not know them. Through the editing of text and cropping of pictures, I learned the stories of these models of holiness, and the four others who quickly became new inspirations. They were true pioneers, not only for their faith and their country, but for the Black Church.

I was shocked to later discover that there are no Black saints from the United States. While there are only eleven US Catholics who are declared Saints, it's time to recognize an important missing voice in our faith tradition. Sr. Mumbi wrote an introduction for the eBook, in which she said:

Cognizant that the road to sainthood also depends on more people joining the cause through prayer and action, we hope that this booklet will contribute to the eventual canonization of these exemplary individuals and that their life stories will inspire us in our own journeys of faith. More so, we pray that in recognizing the adversity and prejudice, due to their race, that they face in trying to respond to their vocational call, we may be inspired to never tire in our commitment to work for racial justice.

With these thoughts in mind, we'd like to offer you a copy of the eBook, "On the Road to Sainthood." The Sisters of the Precious Blood all received copies of this book for February, Black History Month. Together, we will get to know these men and women and join others in their cause for sainthood and the work of racial justice.

*We did not create the content of the eBook, but rather compiled information from the USCCB and other sources.*

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1 opmerking

KV Vandervall-Poe
KV Vandervall-Poe
01 feb. 2021

Thank you so very much for a copy of the ebook On The Road To Sainthood. While I wish I could get a hard copy please know I will treasure this gift forever. Thank you for your inspiration. Karen

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