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Writer's pictureSrs of the Precious Blood

Precious Blood Prayer of Discernment

by Fr. Barry Fischer, CPPS

O God of wisdom, grant me the grace of discernment.

As I contemplate our world,

give me eyes to see the pain, the poverty, the violence;

give me ears to hear the cry of the wounded, the suffering, and the marginalized.

Give me, O Merciful God, a compassionate heart

to reach out to my sisters and brothers in their need;

Free me from all that binds me and shake me from my comfort zones,

that I might enjoy that liberation of Spirit

which makes possible a response to the cry of the blood.

Help me to be the voice of those who have no voice.

Grant me the courage to make others aware of the plight of the poor and suffering.

In a world often insensitive and complacent,

caught up in a web of self-interest, consumerism, and materialism,

kindle within me the desire to raise a prophetic voice

that calls others to accountability and responsibility for those in need.

Give me a discerning heart to know how to respond to the cry of the Blood.

Make me a living chalice to carry the Precious Blood to the ends of the earth,

applying its saving balm to the woundedness and brokenness around me.

Where there is brokenness, may I bring the Blood of reconciliation;

Where there is loneliness, may I bring the Blood of covenant;

Where there is despair, may I bring the Blood of hope;

Where there is selfishness, may I bring the Blood of unconditional love;

Where there is disdain, may I bring the Blood of dignity;

Where there is marginalization, may I bring the Blood of inclusion.

May I find nourishment and strength for my journey of compassion at the Table of the Eucharist:

in the Word broken open

and in Your Body and Blood share in a spirit of companionship and care.

May I pour out my life each day with generosity and love to further

that "new order of things that Christ brought about in the shedding of His Precious Blood!"


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