We are pleased to introduce you to Sr. Mary Lou Schmersal. You would never know that Sr. Mary Lou is officially retired because she is busy volunteering with vocations ministry, in peace and justice ministry and with her parish.

What city/state were you born in?
I was born in St Rita’s Hospital in Lima OH. We lived on a farm 10 miles or so north of that city in the Columbus Grove area.
What year did you join the Sisters of the Precious Blood?
I spent my high school in Fatima Hall and officially joined the congregation on January 6, 1959
Why the Sisters of the Precious Blood?
I was taught by the Precious Blood Sisters throughout grade school (St. Anthony’s parish Columbus Grove) and felt a kinship with these women who were so kind and really good teachers.
Who is your favorite Saint?
o St Francis of Assisi
Do you have a favorite prayer or style of prayer?
o Lectio
o Contemplation of nature
o Stations of the Cross
o music
What do you in your spare time?
o Gardening
o Photography
o Working with my hands (various fiber crafts—knitting, quilting, spinning etc)
o Baking –especially pies
What is your favorite:
o Book: historical biographies
o Food: coconut cream pie
o Holiday: Christmas & time with family
o TV Show: Rachel Maddow Show
What’s been your favorite ministry as a sister?
Parish ministry –especially working with RCIA over the years
What piece of advice would you pass along to young adults in discernment?
o Cultivate and pray for a generous heart